
Former Eagle Scout and Scout Master Patrick Lamb speaks on the issue of child abuse in the Boy Scouts and how survivors can begin to move forward.

My late husband died by suicide in 2015 at the age of 34. I found out after he died that he was molested at an early age by a stepfather I never even knew about. He kept it a secret and so did his family. Thank you for your voice and your willingness to speak up. I know this film will help others.

- Lindsey D. 

The world needs to see this!

- Sophie E.

I was in Troop 42, and I remember John, Dylan, and Joe Mackey. This has really got me all worked up emotionally. I am so sad that John and others had to suffer; it’s truly a monstrous thing. I am so sorry. On a positive note, I think it’s incredibly brave and inspiring what you’re doing with this film. I think it can make a real impact, and I’m so proud to have known you guys.

- Brandon G. 

Megan Hobbs, wife of John F. Hobbs, former Scout Executive and survivor, speaks on the magnitude of the child abuse issue at the center of the film On My Honor: The Untold Stories of the Scouts.

I’ve represented a number of survivors of abuse that took place in Boy Scouts and it’s been disheartening to see how this was allowed to happen and your project is an effective way to shine a light on this problem.

- Paul S.

Breaking the stigma around talking about abuse is a powerful way to make a change in the system.

- Elizabeth S.

I believe the most empowering thing victims of abuse can do, when they can, is to tell their stories – and the most compassionate and powerful thing we can do as witnesses is to listen to them, support them, and most of all, to believe them. 

- Donna S. 

Attorney Randy Rhodes, winner of two $100 million dollar judgements against abusive Scoutmasters, speaks out on the purpose of the On My Honor documentary.

As a mother of 2 Boy Scouts, this just breaks my heart! 💔

- Cara C.

Thank you so much for your courage to talk about this openly and publicly. I know your willingness to speak up will be the spark that encourages other victims to come forward and bring justice to those who deserve it and peace to themselves and others. Thank You

- Nathan A.

Every time I see anything about this it makes me mad again, so wrong in so many ways. Very moving, very sad, and they are still out there which is just so wrong.

- Karen A. 

I am an Eagle Scout, was also a scout leader, this isn't my story in scouts but it was for some of my troop mates, the church, our scout troop was based out of was a haven for abusive Catholic priests. I was an employee there and so was my mother. This type of abuse needs to end forever. The after effects last a lifetime. I don't know what else to say.

- Patrick L.

We hope your bravery and courageous spirit prevent this from happening to anyone else. 

- Patrick T. and Mike C.

This film needs to be shared with the public.

- Tim B. 

This story is horrifying, but the passion with which you are fighting to try to end abuse in BSA is both empowering and inspirational.  

- Alex I. 

Powerful stuff. I’m proud of you guys for tackling such a personal and traumatic subject. Hopefully this project can lend some strength to those who need it and provide healing for those who have gone through the same kind of suffering. 

- Adam V. 

This needs world-wide viewership. 

- Josh S. 

Omg I love it! This definitely needs to be told and I love that you’re doing it.  It looks like a show I want to watch on Netflix.

- Casey Z. 

It’s very powerful and the coloring is beautiful.  I’ve been reading your updates on the film’s progress over the last year and I’m excited to see how close you are to completing it. It’s an incredible accomplishment. 

- Rachel K. 

That trailer is powerful. It turns a documentary into a horror movie.

- Jeff T. 

Hopefully this movie will cause other abusers to seek help and the abused to understand they are not culpable for these terrible experiences they have endured.

- Sally M.

I am so proud of my husband, John F Hobbs, for speaking out about his experience, and for my friend, Dylan Allen, for helping tell the story. John speaks for truth, for accountability, and for action so that others may find healing. I have walked this road with him for several years and I stand with him now. Will you join us and support this project?

- Megan B.

My friend, Dylan Allen, has taken on this monumental task of telling a powerful story about the psychological and sexual manipulation as it happened to a young boy in the scouts.

- Dave V.

How heartbreaking. 😓Thanks for bringing awareness to this tragic abuse to children. #metoo

- Melinda S.